Baptisms & Dedications

Baptisms and dedications are incredible next steps in faith. Both are outward signs of an inward decision to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. For more information about what to expect and the meaning behind these symbolic acts, continue reading down below. 

If you would like to request to be baptized or to have your child baptized or dedicated, please reach out to the church office by sending us an email or giving us a call at (605) 622-0412.


A Public Declaration of Faith

Baptism is a symbol of faith that publicly declares your decision to follow Jesus Christ with your life. The immersion into water represents dying to self and rising again as a new person, a child of God. This also represents the washing away of your sins and being made clean.

This declaration does not mean that you will never sin again, it just means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and that you have committed to following him with your life. 


A declaration of a Faith based Upbringing

Dedicating a child is a public declaration that a child will be supported by their family/guardians and the church body to learn how to follow Jesus Christ with their life.

The parents will receive a white rose as a symbol of their love for their child in addition to a children's bible. They will also receive a certificate of dedication marking this declaration.